How to Get Ready for Ecommerce Packaging 


There are many forms or categories of product packaging. E-commerce, retail, bulk, pharmaceutical, and more. E-commerce ready packaging is what’s used to ship your product to a consumer who purchased your items online. 

It also is a type and form of packaging that has passed a plethora of tests to see if the packaging is able to withstand the usual motions and procedures of shipping. E-Commerce packaging refers to packaging that is meant to be used for shipping goods, which differentiates from retail packaging, which is used for items that end up on store shelves. It is imperative the presentation of the e-commerce ready packaging is done correctly as it is shipped directly to individual consumers one at a time, not in bulk to a store’s shelf. This leads to packaging that can be made with more specificity and care in design and presentation. Below, we will describe the process by which it is tested and certified. 


ISTA 6 certification, or the International Safe Transit Association, is the standard that ensures e-commerce packaging can meet the criteria to safely and securely be handled and shipped. ISTA 6 is a set of criteria that was created by ISTA and Amazon that simulate the shipment that any given package will make from the moment packages depart the facility they were packaged in, to the time they arrive at the delivery location. ISTA 6 testing needs to see if the packaging in question can truly protect the product it’s holding. It’s not uncommon for the employees of freight and package carriers to be forgetful about the packages that they are delivering. E-commerce packages and the ISTA 6 are paramount in the success of what the customer orders and expects to receive safely. The rigors and trials this process provides, helps secure this.

Frustration free packaging 

Frustration free packaging (FFP) goals:

  • easy-to-open
  • few materials as possible
  • Protection 
  • Cost-conscious 

In terms of plastics, Amazon prefers manufacturers to use either PET, LLDPE, or HDPE, and overall, it cannot take more than 120 seconds to remove all of the contents from a package.

FFP confirmation is also only given if the material used is recyclable. All nonrecyclables are not preferred or permitted. PCR and alternatives are also looked at positively and while not mandated, they are preferred where and when available. 

The Plastek Group has and continues to work independently and in partnership with our clients to be a trailblazer in the design and analysis of multiple e-commerce ready products. We are excited to announce more additions for the foreseeable future. The Plastek Group designs and produces products that are used for and ready to be sold for e-commerce packaging needs. Contact us today for all of your packaging needs.